Prayer for Papua New Guinea
God, our loving Father, we ask that you will watch over the nation of Papua New Guinea and guide her leaders, so that all her peoples may live together in justice and freedom under the gentle rule of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord.
A Prayer for PNGCP and ACPNG
God, our loving Father, we praise and thank you for bringing us together as partners in proclaiming the Gospel. As we support each other in the work of preaching, teaching and healing, make our lives a joyful celebration of thanksgiving, renewal and revival, and enable us to reach out to those who do not know You in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the strong name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Song of Mary
Sing my soul of the greatness of the Lord my God and Saviour:
shout and sing my soul and spirit for his mercy and his love.
For with gentle kindness he found me his servant:
and I trust him and obey him and will serve him evermore.
From this day for evermore, all will call me blessed;
for his kindness and his goodness, our great Lord and mighty God.
For his name is holy, ever showing mercy
to all those that love and fear him, he gives strength the mighty Lord.
He will judge the proud man, and put down the boastful;
And the great man and the powerful he will bring down from their
On the poor and humble soul he will pour his riches:
but has sent away the wealthy people empty handed.
As he promised to our fathers, Abraham and Israel;
we his children now for ever, will receive his blessing.
Glory be to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
till the end of all the ages, now and ever. Amen.
Song of Simeon
Lord now let your servant go from here in peace, as you said, for at last my eyes have seen, the Saviour who was promised to the world.
To the heathen he bring the light of truth, to the Church he’s the glory of all time, O sing praise, O sing praises to our God.
Praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, till the end of all the ages. Amen
Pidgin hymns - see ‘further reading materials’ in our newsletter archive.
All People That On Earth Do Dwell; O Worship The King; Amazing Grace; How Sweet The Name of Jesus Sounds; Forth In Thy Name; Abide With Me; Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer; Lead Us, Heavenly Father; O God Our Help In Ages Past; The Lord’s My Shepard; Praise My Soul The King of Heaven; Just As I Am, Without One Plea.
The Lord’s Prayer
Papa bilong mipela
Yu i stap long heven,
Nem bilong yu i mas i stap holi.
Kingdom bilong yu i mas i kam.
Mipela i mas bihainim laik bilong yu long graun
Olsem ol i bihainim long heven.
Nau yu ken givim mipela kaikai inap long dispela de:
Na yu lusim ol rong bilong mipela,
Olsem mipela i lusim ol rong ol man i mekim long mipela.
Na yu no bringim mipela long traim,
Tasol tekewe mipela long samting nogut.
Kingdom, na strong, na biknem i bilong yu tasol
Oltaim oltaim.
Tel: 020 7313 3918
Papua New Guinea Church Partnership, St Andrew’s House, 16 Tavistock Crescent London W11 1AP, UK
CIO no. 1178290